On this page I share with you web links that I like
Editable posters and flyer to download
Free Tennis flyers and poster 
If you want to see my official record, this is where it happens.

Please note that you'll need an account to access it.
My official record on tenup
Tu veux devenir un joueur PRO ? 
Mon père a listé des vidéos intéressantes sur cette "playlist".  

Des vidéos qui t'informent sur ce que c'est que d'être un joueur pro... ce n'est pas aussi fun qu'on pourrait le croire ;)  

(mais cela ne nous arrête pas;)  )
PlayList : being a pro-player
The Youtube page of Jules Marie, a professional player who shares his journey and his life on the ATP circuit.

I follow him since the beginning of his adventure, I love watching his videos, more than matches of great players.

Hope one day I'll play against him ... ( and win ;)  ) 
Jules Marie on youtube
The Sommières Tennis Club website

One of my trainning place with  Enjy, Julien, Sacha, Benji... and other friend. 
TC Sommières
My partners in this adventure
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